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Drummer and Guitarist wanted to Join London Beat Club

Drummer and Guitarist wanted to Join London Beat Club

London based 7 piece band mixing soul, rock, rap, disco and funky grooves is looking for a drummer and guitarist.

played many shows and label interest

send links Mark












Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hey,

    I am Quentin. I am drummer based in New Cross (South East London). I am interested by joining your band if you’re still looking for a drummer.

    Here is a song with drums I have recorded


  2. Francisco Sabido
    May 11, 2021 at 9:57 am


    My name is Francisco, I’m a guitar player based in Clapham and I’d love to join your band. I love funk, rock and pretty much any kind of music.

    This is a sample of my playing:


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