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female singer needed for pro band urban house

Hi my name is mark hoggarth im looking for a female singer fulltime or deb singers, for my new project

URBAN HOUSE  EXPEERIENCE, The music we will be playing , will be all the classic club tunes

i.e  Clean bandit numbers / robin s/ show me love/ saxobeat/and many more. were a six piece band drums/bass guitar/lead guitarist/ Keyboard player/ conga & percussioist with a rapper when needed long side a perset, all at pro level were looking for the bigger venues i.e festivals/clubs/weddings/(not small pubs) we have our own rehearsal studio/recording studio in nottingham, wages will be around £125 per member per gig, if interested i can send you persets of the songs by email, so you can learn them at home for your audition, we need to get a move on with project guys i have to fit in a show reel/photo shoot/studio recordings , for the website,

my mob 07550596187  /  email

cheers mark

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