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Guitarist and Drummer Seeking Musicians for Dark Rock/Black/Death/Doom Project (London/Sussex)

Hi all,

I’m a guitarist, drummer and bassist looking to start a metal project in the South East of the UK. I am based in Brighton, but able to travel around Sussex or to London if need be for rehearsals.

I’d be keen to play music inspired by bands like Taake, Bathory, Katatonia, Hooded Menace, Darkthrone, Burzum and similar. If you play any rock instrument/s at all and that sounds appealing to you, please get in touch!



Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hi Emily,
    I am an acoustic and metal vocalist based in London.
    I am looking for a band to start rehearsing and gigging as soon as possible, and though my genre is a bit different than the one you would like to play, I would love to have a chat and see if our music interests can meet halfway!
    My genres: Acoustic / Gothic, Symphonic, Progressive, Folk, Heavy Metal
    My influences: Nightwish, Epica, Evanescence, Dream Theater, Sonata Arctica, British folk songs, Loreena McKennitt, Blackmore’s Night, Ozzy Osbourne

  2. Hi how are you? I’m a songwriter and musician looking to start a metal core band are you still interested in starting a metal project at all?
    I’m based in Eastbourne and am looking for musicians that are like minded and creative

    Let me know

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