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Stoke on Trent based Synth/Blues band looking for a drummer.

We’re a new band looking to recruit a drummer to finish our line up.

Our style is a bit different, in that we strap midi pickups to our guitars and play Blues Music that’s crossed over with heavy electronica influences. It’s a crazily different kind of sound (think Stevie Ray Vaughan crossed with Pendulum) but the potential for it is massive.

We’re all around our mid 20s to early 30s and we’re all really experienced musicians who’ve been on the gigging circuit for years, looking to make a genuine push at making this project a huge success. We’re building our own studio attached to the project and we’re committed to making this badass.

We’re after a drummer who’s technically skilled, has a great groove but can hit heavy when they need to. Some kind of prior knowledge with using trigger pads with your kit would be useful, but to be honest if we can just find someone who gels and is a great drummer then we’re happy!

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