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Keyboardist for a covers band with a difference

I am looking for a keyboardist form a band. You will have an electric piano and a synthesizer and be Jazzy, soulful and funky.
We will be performing covers/interpretations of Punk, New Wave, Post Punk and British pop with a soulful, jazzy, hip hop, EDM, trap vibe.
We will be a working band so we will be very commercial but unique too. We will be interpreting exclusively British songs, not for any patriotic reason, it just seemed to work out that way and I think it will add to the originality.

Hip Hop, Urban, House, EDM, Jazz, Soul, Funk, Ska, Punk, New Wave, Post Punk, Indie, and New Romantic.

I ought to add that I’m in my 50s that might be an issue for some.

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