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Looking for musicians to form a band

Hi, I am a guitarist and singer, and I’m into Rock, Ska, Pop and movie soundtrack music.
I am now looking for musicians to form a band. Lead vocals, drums, keys, sax, trumpet, trombone- anyone who’d be up for taking the ‚classical’ road: Get together, rehearse a while, play pubs and clubs, record an album, play big shows and festivals, and so on:-)

I’ve written enough songs for an album and a decent live set; but goes without saying, other peoples ideas and songs will be welcome in the band!
What I’m not up for though is cover/session/function music etc.

Here’s an example of what I’ve been doing so far:

Drop me a line if interested! First session/ audition will be 16th june in London!
email is

Comments ( 5 )

  1. Hi Leo, have you maybe got something to listen to? We’ll be happy to meet up on the 16th if you’re available! Cheers Max

  2. Hi I am saxophones player, but I can play Keyboard and sing as well. If you like what I do than let’s get toghether and start something really nice, cause I have ideas and songs to share.


  3. hi!!!i’m a Drummer!!do you have something to listen about the project that you want to create?tnx,Emanuela

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