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Progressive Rock Band Looking For Male/Female Singer(s)


Spiral Planet are a mature, light progressive and experimental rock band based in the Forest of Dean. We are not professional musicians but are committed to achieving the best sound we can. We are currently recording material for our first album and have completed about two thirds of that. The female backing vocalist we have used to date has had to withdraw from the project for personal reasons and we need to replace that individual as soon as possible. We are also seeking a male vocalist who can take a lead role on some tracks in the future and work with us in the studio on a second album. There is a possibility of some live performances for both individuals in due course but these will not be regular events. The ability to home record vocals would be an asset but is not essential, neither is extensive experience. The band normally get together on a Monday morning and that may not suit some people, however this could be flexible for the right individuals. If interested please PM us at our Facebook page @spiralplanet or email (Mark Millar). Or, of course, you could always reply to this message.
Thanks for reading,
Stephen Butler

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