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Singer/Guitarist Wanted For Full Time Function Band

Singer/guitarist required for a professional function band starting in September.

Currently playing around 80 gigs a year but looking to increase this to 100+ from next year. Mainly doing weddings but also doing private parties and corporate events.

Standard rock/pop covers set including songs from 80s onwards. If interested get in touch and I can send a full set list over.

Payment starts at £180 per gig, must be based in Midlands area or nearby (Nottingham and surrounding areas).

Feel free to ask any questions via email.

Email if interested –

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hey man, how are you? I`ve seen that you are looking for an experienced guitarist.
    I am a songwriter, guitarist and lead or backing vocalist, with over 20 years playing.
    I’m moving to England in November this year and I’m looking for gigs and friends to keep working when I get there.
    I’ll leave my contact here, with links to get to know my work, I hope you enjoy it, and we can do some shows or recordings together.
    Thank you my friend, cheers

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