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Win a place to sing for Daniel Bedingfield

Award winning, No 1 hit song writer, Daniel Bedingfield and his vocal coach, Dave Stroud, are doing a performance masterclass in London on Sunday Sept 2nd.

WIN an opportunity to attend the masterclass AND sing for Daniel for constructive feedback on your performance, song and/or singing AND receive a lesson with Dave Stroud (coach to Natasha Bedingfield, Jordin Sparks, Frank Ocean, Ben Folds and more) by entering the Shed Light Events Facebook video competition.

Here is the link or find us at the Shed Light Events page.

All you have to do is upload a 1min 30sec video of you performing your version of one of Daniel’s songs. Then get your lovely Facebook family to vote for your video. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes to be won.

Email if you have any further queries.

See for full masterclass details.

Shed Light Events is dedicated to providing stimulating, informative and inspiring events aimed at singers and those interested in singing. Topics include areas such as vocal technique, performance skills, vocal health, vocal styles, the music business, teaching skills and artist development.

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